Our Mission and Approach

Our mission at the Hejamady-Kodi Vidyaprasara Foundation (HKVP) founded school serves to bring
affordable and holistic education to the coastline of Hejamady and surrounding villages in rural Karnataka,
through effective schooling
that cultivates independent thought, promotes the building of character, enabling students to
contribute to their communities in meaningful and positive ways.



Lack of affordable schooling in the
coastal village belt

Need for embracing a globally
relevant English Medium

School Drop out rates & Child

Shortage of Skilled & Qualified

Educating the Girl Child



Globally Relevant Curriculum with Credible Academic Partnerships 21st Century Learning Tools with good classroom infrastructure
Teachers Professional Development


Value based holistic learning & development Sports & other extra curricular activities (Karate, Dance, Drawing..) Personal development Nation building activities (National Service Schemes & Scouts)


Leveraging School Campus for Night Schooling & ITI programs for imparting job relevant trainings for youth & school drop-outs Providing free / subsidized English medium schooling for poorest of village children Conducting Community Health Camps & Medical Check-ups



School to be known for its best
Undergraduate Curriculum by 2020
in the entire coastline of rural

Target student enrollment to reach
500 from current 352

Provide access to education for
children from Hejamady & nearby
6 - 7 villages

Reduce student drop-out rate
to 0%

Increase or equate the % of Girl
Students from current 47%
to 50%


Project Plan in Brief

To set up a new school building having about 20 Class Rooms, a Library, Computer Lab and other facilities
The School Building will be ground plus two floors premises
School will follow CBSE Board Curriculum and will provide English Medium education from "Nursery to 10th Standard" with
an expected student strength of 500
First phase of the school construction with ground floor with 7 class rooms has been completed in May 2014.
The second phase of the construction of 1st and 2nd floor of the school building has started in June 2015 and completed in
June 2017

Acquired playground of an acre of land to promote physical education. Currently working towards setting up of sport facilities.

The expected student strength over next 5 years is given below:

Year No.of students
2019-20 352
2020-21 400
2021-22 440
2022-23 480
2023-24 525

Progress So Far...

Formed a new Foundation as a Registered Society & obtained a license from the Government to set up the school in 2012.

Received recognition from the Commissioner of Income Tax under Section 80G, making the contributions eligible for Tax Exemption.

Started the Lower Kindergarten (LKG) and Upper Kindergarten (UKG) in April 2011.

Academic year 2019-20 has classes up to 7th Standard with a student strength of 352 with 12 teachers (A healthy Student – Teacher Ratio of 29:1) which is much better than the target number as per RTE Act that mandates a minimum of 30:1.

Academic Partnership with Pearson to implement the MyPedia learning curriculum with the focus on development of cognitive skills & high order thinking capabilities of the students.

Completed the construction of ground plus two floors of school premises during the month of June 2017.

Acquired an acre of land adjacent to school to promote physical education.

Raised about Rs.375 lacs as donation from the public for funding the construction expenditure.