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Our Infrastructure

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Abacus Class

We have introduced Abacus in our school in this academic year 2018-19 as an aid in teaching the numeral system and arithmetic.There are two category of levels - one is elementary level for students of 5 to 8 years. It has total 73 students. Second level is of regular level for students of 9 to13 years which has 54 students.

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At our school, library is an integral part of the learning program of the school.The Teacher Librarian will collaboratively plan and teach with classroom teachers.Activities will be offered that will

* arouse curiosity

* develop creativity and imagination

* encourage collaboration and co-operation

* involve students in planning and participating in fun events and displays

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Book Grading

The Book titles selected from each Publisher are graded on a simple heuristic: theaverage number of sentences per page.Books are graded into six levels, based on this heuristic measure. Each level ofbook also receives a coloured sticker along its spine. The is called the GROWBY – Green, Red, Orange, While, Blue and Yellow. Grading of the book allows the child to make an intelligent choice of books at a particular reading level, helps the child to achieve a sense of progress

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We call our teachers as 'STEM Ambassadors' and our students as 'STEM champs'. Hence, we have listed the best practices that you can follow to get the maximum benefits.

* Mandatory MSC visits/ sessions for students once a week or twice a month.

* Organizing monthly visits of nearby school students and teachers to MSC.

* Encourage teachers from neighboring schools to use exhibits in their lectures.

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Computer Lab

A state of art compute lab is set up in the First floor with 50 computers, available one each for every student, donated by M/S Brillio Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru for providing Computer Education.Students will also be encouraged to explore Internet under the guidance and supervision of teachers. I am very happy to announce that we have already received 5 computers from the INFOSYS FOUNDATION in 2015-16 and 22 computers from QUINNOX CONSULTANCY SERVICES, Pune in 2017. Allowing children in improving their knowledge base and gain outside World Perspective.

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Play Ground

Play is the key to physical, mental, intellectual and social wellbeing of children. It impacts hugely on almost every developmental aspect of children's lives holistically and with multifaceted ways. Young children spend a reasonable amount of time in school. School playgrounds play important role in their daily life for fulfilling their interest, development and learning needs. To make play as part of study, the School has recently acquired an acre of land and is in the process of setting up various sports facilities.